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racism should be abolished


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Membre, 25ans Posté(e)
kouko Membre 8 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 25ans‚

it is a radiculous idea to start the 20 century with racism.we are new generation that should bring peace to the earth.we can not accept all these type of racism.l believe that unity is on divesity .what is important for me that you are a human .let's bring happiness and joy to this earth.say no to human

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Membre, Obsédé textuel, 72ans Posté(e)
Gouderien Membre 34 688 messages
72ans‚ Obsédé textuel,
il y a 41 minutes, kouko a dit :

it is a radiculous idea to start the 20 century with racism.we are new generation that should bring peace to the earth.we can not accept all these type of racism.l believe that unity is on divesity .what is important for me that you are a human .let's bring happiness and joy to this earth.say no to human

1) Could you please write in FRENCH language ?

2) The 20th century is over... :D

S'exprimer en anglais sur un forum français, c'est aussi une forme de racisme - ou tout au moins d'impolitesse.

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Membre, Posté(e)
Alexterieur Membre 799 messages
Forumeur activiste‚
Il y a 6 heures, kouko a dit :

it is a radiculous idea to start the 20 century with racism.we are new generation that should bring peace to the earth.we can not accept all these type of racism.l believe that unity is on divesity .what is important for me that you are a human .let's bring happiness and joy to this earth.say no to human

Bullshit !!!!

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Membre, 64ans Posté(e)
pila Membre 18 571 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 64ans‚

Le père de notre belle-fille est en train de crever avec son cancer. Il ne rentrera plus chez lui. Ca lui a apporté quoi de ne pas aimer les noirs ? Rien !!!!!

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Invité Lucy Van Pelt
Invités, Posté(e)
Invité Lucy Van Pelt
Invité Lucy Van Pelt Invités 0 message

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « what the fuck »

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Membre, 54ans Posté(e)
Foraveur Membre 6 426 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 54ans‚

"it is a radiculous idea to start the 20 century with racism.we are new generation that should bring peace to the earth.we can not accept all these type of racism.l believe that unity is on divesity .what is important for me that you are a human .let's bring happiness and joy to this earth.say no to human"

May I kindly ask you to write in plain English ?

"2) The 20th century is over... :D".......plié de rire

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