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poésie dans le rockmusick


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Membre, Posté(e)
nook Membre 3 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

dans le rockmusic il y a beaucoup de poésie aussi

s`il vouz plait envoyez quelques chansons ...

je commance avec The National

About Today

Today you were far away

and I didn`t asky you why

What could I say

I was far away

You just walked away

and I just watched you

What could I say

How close am I to losing you

Tonight you just close your eyes

and I just watch you

slip away

what could I say

How close am I to losing you

Tonight you just close your eyes

and I just watch you

slip away

Hey are you awake

Yeah I`m right here

Well can I ask you about today

How close am I to losing you

How close am I to losing


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Membre+, Posté(e)
Doïna Membre+ 17 472 messages
Maitre des forums‚

Paroles d'une chanson de Black Sabbath :

As you walk alone the night surrounds you like a shroud

The dreams you had were once of love and being proud

Misty horizons block your vision of the world

But the raven's eyes will show you all you need to know

The land you loved is now so barren and so cold

The name of God rings out so high in your soul

This time is masters will lead us by the sword

And should we fait them all prevails in Odin's court

As you walk alone the night surrounds you like a shroud

The dreams you had were once of love and being proud

Misty horizons block your vision of the world

But the raven's eyes will show you all you need to know

The land you loved is now so barren and so cold

The name of God rings out so high in your soul

This time is masters will lead us by the sword

And should we fait them all prevails in Odin's court

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