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Invité goldored
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Lol, the nearest word is to 'boogie' and it kind of means to dance- like boogie on down, Saturday Night Fever type of 70s dance ;)

merci beaucoup pour ton aide :smile2:

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  • 3 semaines après...
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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
*Amandine* Membre 207 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

Hey guys !

Hey cremeanglaise, how are you ? How's it going with your schoolwork ?

I haven't been around this forum a lot lately (same about TSR - by the way, what's your name on TSR cremeanglaise ?), because I had a lot of things to do. Yes, homeworks ! :smile2: I'm done with all my papers for this semester, I'm sooo glad ! And I only have one exam in december. Then I'll go to France for Christmas, I'm looking forward to it ! I'll come back to Edi to celebrate... Hogmanay ! ! ! ;)

Hey, Canterbury must be really pretty at Christmas time, ain't I right ?

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  • 2 mois après...
Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
cremeanglaise Membre 64 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

Ahh! éa fait longtemps, trop longs! Excusez-moi tout le monde! J'étais très occupée avec mon emploi, mes devoirs, les vacances etc. J'ai eu aussi une grande problème avec mon 'account' ici, car j'ai oublié mon mot de passe (oui, je sais, quelle idiote!) et le nouveau mot de passe que j'ai demandée n'étais marchee pas au début. Heureusement, je pense qu'il marche bien maintenant ;) Donc, je suis revenue à jamais :mur:

I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year, Amandine! Did you eat a 'Galette des rois'? :mur:

Yes at Christmas we have christmas lights hung from one building to the next in the high street in town, which is quite pretty. But, in general, its all the wacky lights and inflatable santas that people put outside the front of their houses that makes it feel christmassy :sleep:

We also have a German market, where you can get lebkuchen, wurst from Schleswig Holstein etc in the town.

In our park near the bus station we hold a 'European fair', usually it is closer to Christmas time so you can buy christmas presents, but this year it was in October/ September for some unkown reason. It only lasts for a weekend, but its great. There are stalls from France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Belgium etc, selling chocolates, sausages, le fromage, meat, olives, bread, cakes, artworks like ceramics, paintings, jewellery, handbags, pashminas, pillows/ cushion covers, throws , ice cream stalls. They are also stalls like the Fair Trade one where I bought a 'Divine' chocolate advent calender fro myself. And there are local stalls selling local produce, local home made ice cream and so on.

On Christmas Eve, in the centre of town , there is a public 'carol singing' event where the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Mayor of Canterbury and the cathedral choir and Salvation Army Band all gather and the public sings with them. It gets you in a christmassy mood!

Although, this year, I was working a lot around christmas, so I didnt really feel all that christmassy, and christmas day was a bit of an anti-climax as usual. We (me, my parents and brother) opened presents, had a big christmas lunch, pulled crackers, then felt very full up and sluggish.

I hope all your exams went well!

I had my first set of A Level French exams in January - AS. They didnt go as well as I would have liked as I completely ran out of time to answer all the questions on the listening paper! So, I will definitely get a lower grade overall because of this. I am trying my best, I found I got 63% in my last piece of coursework, which is not too bad! Although, the universites have asked me to get a B in French A Level, which is frankly impossible for me as I have only been studying it a year and 5 months from scratch and I work a lot in the week, so I am hoping when it comes to results day, the universities will accept me with lower grades :sleep:

Btw, thanks to everyone for their French help :o° Its very much appreciated :smile2:

Oh, I have had many accounts on TSR, most of which I have forgotten the password for, so now I just look at posts :| I like the foreign language threads best :D

Alors, I wish you a great semester et Bonne Chance!


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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
*Amandine* Membre 207 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

I couldn't have a Galette des Rois, I only stayed in France for 8 days or so around Christmas. It was really short, but it was great anyway !

You're really into the habit of forgetting your passwords, aren't you ? ;)

I have a paper to write, due next moday, about Jude the Obsucre by Thomas Hardy. When you've just finished writing a paper, straight away there's another one coming... It never stops !!! :smile2:

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Membre+, Rabat joie, 40ans Posté(e)
luce Membre+ 16 596 messages
40ans‚ Rabat joie,

Excusez moi :smile2:

Forum = thread? ;)

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Membre, 40ans Posté(e)
un.etre Membre 593 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 40ans‚

Thread c'est un topic sauf erreur de ma part.

En gros je viens par mon message de participer à ce thread par un post

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Membre+, I. C. Wiener, 32ans Posté(e)
konvicted Membre+ 26 925 messages
32ans‚ I. C. Wiener,
Excusez moi ;)

Forum = thread? :sleep:

Thread c'est un topic sauf erreur de ma part.

En gros je viens par mon message de participer à ce thread par un post

How dare you write in french in there ? Aren't you ashamed ? :smile2:

(Topic, c'est comme parking, on l'a pris de l'anglais mais les anglophones utilisent un autre mot. :sleep: )

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Membre+, Rabat joie, 40ans Posté(e)
luce Membre+ 16 596 messages
40ans‚ Rabat joie,

Konvicted sorry, i'm so confused :smile2:

un.etre: Thx ;)

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Membre+, I. C. Wiener, 32ans Posté(e)
konvicted Membre+ 26 925 messages
32ans‚ I. C. Wiener,
I would like to study French and German at univeristy in England soon. but I have to pass the A level first, then go to uni! In England, the level of foreign language teaching is nowhere near as high a quality as it is in non-english speaking european countries like France and Germany, so we have a poorer understanding of languages in England. It is a shame, because people like me who like languages are not pushed hard enough in school and the teachers will not teach us more advanced french early on. They take a year at the beginning of secondary school (11 years old) to teach you just to count to 100 in French and say your name, where you live, a bit about your parents and thats about it! Its ludicrous! Unfortunately, foreign languages are not compulsory in english schools, so you do not have to have a qualification in them, unless you choose to! If you choose to then you are special (like me) and hopefully there will be more jobs available for us ;)

The English can't be worse than the French at languages learning. :smile2: Actually, we are obliged to learn foreign languages but students aren't often very interested in. That way, they don't work hard and they barely improve their English.

Furthermore, language-lovers have to work a bit more on their own as the classes' level aren't high enough for them to improve as much as they'd want to.

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Membre+, Rabat joie, 40ans Posté(e)
luce Membre+ 16 596 messages
40ans‚ Rabat joie,

Perfect! you've got the job!

:smile2: ;)

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Membre, 40ans Posté(e)
un.etre Membre 593 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 40ans‚

My apologies Konvicted!

i didn't even notice that i wrote in french. Plus it was for a good cause! it was for Luce. No i'm kidding. You're right, Konvicted, she's not a good cause. :smile2:

About language learning process, i compared it with some german and swiss people. I think it's not that student aren't interested in learning languages. It's just our mentality.

For instance, at an early stage german and swiss when they learn english or french they try to reproduce our accent when they speak. But if you go in a french school, at an early stage, if you try to reproduce english accent for instance other kids will just laugh at you. We are just more focusing on laughing at each other than trying to get the language right.

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Invité Interrogation
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Hi peeps!

I've just discovered that topic...

Nice one! I'll keep an eye on it..

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Membre+, I. C. Wiener, 32ans Posté(e)
konvicted Membre+ 26 925 messages
32ans‚ I. C. Wiener,
My apologies Konvicted!

i didn't even notice that i wrote in french. Plus it was for a good cause! it was for Luce. No i'm kidding. You're right, Konvicted, she's not a good cause. :sleep:

No matter but you'd better not do it once more. :sleep:;)

Yes, she is (a good cause). :o°

About language learning process, i compared it with some german and swiss people. I think it's not that student aren't interested in learning languages. It's just our mentality.

For instance, at an early stage german and swiss when they learn english or french they try to reproduce our accent when they speak. But if you go in a french school, at an early stage, if you try to reproduce english accent for instance other kids will just laugh at you. We are just more focusing on laughing at each other than trying to get the language right.

As a matter of fact, I believe there's a kind of French cultural tradition of lack of open-mindedness towards the whole world. I think the French are too chauvinistic. :smile2:

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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
*Amandine* Membre 207 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

It's also because of such "little" habits as watching french version of the movies. There are a lot of countries further east where they simply have nothing but subtitled movies. I spoke to a girl from Holland a few months ago whose accent was just perfect. So I asked her where she learnt english... Well, it was actually like her very first week in the UK ! It was amazing ! She told me that this was because they only had subtitled movies, several classes taught in english and so on... So, well, the whole system is quite different from what it is in France.

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Membre, 40ans Posté(e)
un.etre Membre 593 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 40ans‚

Yeah a friend of mine a native english once went to some nothern countries (like norway, sweden and finland) when she got lost, she asked her way to some really young person they already knew how to speak even though they never really learn it. It's just that they are exposed to an english environment on tv and movies as amandine said it.

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