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Nouveau, 28ans Posté(e)
Ghirlandaio Nouveau 2 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 28ans‚

Can you help me correct these sentences please ? Thank you ! :)

E-mail :
We sent e-mails for people that are registered on our website. In addition, we requets that websites like « » or « » to talk abour our product in their next newsletter that they send by e-mail to their users.

Social Networks :
Thanks to social networks such Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and You tube, it is easy to discover our products broadcasted on official accounts. User from these social networks have the possibility to ask questions and community managers from our company will provide 

Website :
We have an official website that allows us to give informations about our products and sell them. We also have on our website, a space dedicated to the user so he could to ask questionspour and an other space concerning new about our glasses.

- Do you like our product (or glasses) ?
- What do you think about our product ?
- Are you interrested by our produit ?
- Which function of our product do you like the most ?
- What price do you want ?
- What function or improvement do you want  ?

Slideshow :

Glasses multifonction LCO

Description of our company :
Name : LCO and Co
Founded in : 2013
Founded by : XXX
Located in : France (Bretagne) 
Main products : Television, overhead projector
Typical customer : Mostly those who wear glasses

Target market :
- People who wear glasses
- Young people ( 15-40 years old)

Reaserch techniques to promove our product :

Information for market research

Results - Profile of respondents

- 60% are women
- 56% are between 21 and 35 years old

- 59% are students
- 39% earn less than 1200 € per month

- 79% wear glasses, and 49% wear them every day
- 21% prefer the Chanel brand

- 40% prefer the function of the screen connected to the phone
- Nearly one in two people prefer a black mount

- 28% prefer round glasses
- a quarter of people would like to try our glasses

- 52% would like to buy our product
- Among them, 48% would be ready to pay less than 200 €

- 38% would like us to communicate our product using social networks
- One in two is satisfied with our product idea

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Membre, 64ans Posté(e)
pila Membre 18 571 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 64ans‚

Mon anglais est légèrement mieux à celui du Tachou. Sans plus.


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