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Membre, Posté(e)
miss69 Membre 15 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

Salut à tous, j'aurais besoin que quelqu'un peut corriger mes erreurs svp. merci d'avance.

voici ce que j'ai fait:

Fall of sales to General Motors (G.M)

The board to GM sould save GM of his loss. The board of group didn't exclude the possibility of putting GM under the regime of failures. The chief executive officier of group opposes to this resolution. The leader of automotive market would than risk this year to see dethroned by the Asian gigantic Toyota.

The CEO of GM tries to obtain from the congressa public help to the 25 billions dollards automotive sector.

This support would allow to sesolve the crisis of liquid assets which threatens the automotive sector on the very fixe term.

A first help was voted in September, but was not still freed.

GM accumulates more than 72 billions dollards of losses since 2005. CEO of Ford and Chrysler evolved in front of the concil the disaster on the economy of the country where a bankrupt in front of the congress could provoke.

According to them, 3 billions employments would be threatened.

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Membre, 32ans Posté(e)
Tomski Membre 79 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 32ans‚


Je veux vous aider mais je suis perdu sur ce que vous voulez dire. Par exemple, (en français) qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire de "The board to GM sould save GM of his loss. The board of group didn't exclude the possibility of putting GM under the regime of failures. The chief executive officier of group opposes to this resolution. The leader of automotive market would than risk this year to see dethroned by the Asian gigantic Toyota."

Je peux corriger le reste de texte:

The CEO of GM is trying to obtain help from the public congress for the 25 billion dollar automotive sector.

This support would allow the crisis of liquid assets, which threatens the automotive sector (on the very fixed term - not sure what you mean here), to be resolved.

Initial aid was voted for in September, but it is yet to be acted upon

GM accumulated more than 72 billion dollars of debt(?) since 2005. The CEO of Ford and Chrysler are involved in a front againt the economical disaster within the country where a bankruptcy in front of congress could provoke... (provoke what?)

According to them, 3 billions jobs would be threatened. (why would they be threatened?)

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