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Membre, 36ans Posté(e)
suisse_made Membre 83 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 36ans‚


je viens d'écrire un texte en anglais j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez a le corriger svp.

merci d'avance pour toutes vos informations.

The problem with the child labor has no unique answer. We do not just can be for or against it is a more complex question, which deserves a big reflection. In my case, I'm against the heavy and unsuitable works in their age. I find that from 15 years the children can begin to make professional tasks with a salary. But these works do not have to get the upper hand over their school life.

Often the children have to begin to work to learn the value of the work, and so realize the luck, they have. But indeed on the work which they make has to remain a simple task which will handicap their future. The children who work win some money and feel so useful, they value.

But the biggest problem with the child labor is in Africa and in Asia or they begin has to work on the age of 10 and abandon the school. In these cases it is an error, because these children have no right to take advantage of their youth.

But in the poor countries these children have no other choice than to help those parents; it is often the means of survival for the family. By what right let us can condemn them to us? What would make we places them?

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Membre, 33ans Posté(e)
NickP Membre 19 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 33ans‚

The problem of child labor doesn't have a single solution. We can't be just for or against it. Child labor is a complex matter, which deserves [don't say 'big' it's weird!] reflection. Personally, I'm against the heavy and unsuitable work that children are forced to do. I think ['I think that' or 'I find it'] that children can start working when they are at least 15 years of age. [You had a really strange sentence here!] But work should not get the upper hand over their school life.

Often children have to start working to learn the value of work, and so, realize the luck they have. But the work they do must remain simple, otherwise they might miss out on their future. The children who get a job will earn [You do not 'win' money in English as opposed to French (ganger)!] some money and feel useful.

The biggest problems with child labor are to be found in Africa and in Asia, where children start working when they're only 10 years old. Because of their work they have to abandon school. In those ['these' is used when the object/subject is nearby, 'those' is used when the object/subject is distant] cases it is unfair, because society [not the children themselfs!] has no right to take advantage of their youth.

But in poor countries those children have no other choice than to help their parents; it is often the means of survival for the family. [< Good sentence!]

What gives people the right to condemn those children? What would make we places them? [< What do you mean?!]

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Membre, 33ans Posté(e)
NickP Membre 19 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 33ans‚
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Membre, 36ans Posté(e)
suisse_made Membre 83 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 36ans‚

merci beaucoup pour ton aide qui m'a été très précieuse.

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