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Membre, 43ans Posté(e)
Yodhaa Membre 77 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 43ans‚

J'ai beaucoup de mal pouvez vous m'aidez a repondre au W question pour ce texte

Davis dumped me today. I can hardly believe it. He's started to go out with Sadie. She supossed to be my best friend. I go cold when I think of all the times I confided in her ¿ all the things I told her about me and Dave. She says they couldn't help it ¿ they just «fell in love». Dave didn't even have guts to telle me himself. He worte a note, and dropped it through the door. No mentiion of Sadie : just saying he was sorry. He'll always « like me as a friend. So I go charging off to Sadie, to cry on her Shoulder. It was so humiliating. She thought I already knew, I must have suspected. Well I didn't. How could I ? Now I face the rest of the school holiday alone. We had planned all sorts of things together ¿ Dave and me sadie and me. Now I've got nothing. I'll never trust anyone again. I'm not going to suffer like this zgzin for anybody.

When I got home from Sadie's, Mun was waiting. I cried and cried and she hugged me and didn't even ask what had happened. I was as if she knew. She was really great. She didn't tell me there were plenty more fish in the sea, like I expected. She made me a pot of tea and listened to everything I said without interrupting.Then then she told me about the frisy boy who ever dumped her. I was centuries ago but she loved him at the time. When she was tellong me how she'd felt, what they'd said to each other, It was just the sort of things I said and felt. It's amazing Mum might be old, But she knows more than I tought she did

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Membre, 43ans Posté(e)
Yodhaa Membre 77 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 43ans‚

personne ne peut m'aider ou faut que je rappelle le W question





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Membre, 42ans Posté(e)
Woot Membre 2 522 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 42ans‚

Déjà il y a des fautes dans le texte.

Pour tes W:

Who: I (une gonzesse à priori)

What: elle se fait larguer par son mec pour sa meilleure copine et elle va chialer chez sa mère qui la réconforte

Where: au début chez sa copine, ensuite chez sa mère

When: today, c'est la seule information qui transpire

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