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Membre, Posté(e)
mathilde191 Membre 123 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

J'ai une rédaction a faire en anglais (donc une réponse carrément bateau), mais j'ai pas d'idée

Mon sujet c'est Is it possible to combine idealism with a professionnal carrer ?

J'ai répondu que oui, parce que c'était une forme de motivation

Mais qu'il pouvait y avoir des obstacles ex : capacité pour nos projet

Mais je doute pouvoir tenir 30 lignes avec ça ..

Donc si quelqu'un avait une petite idée ça m'aiderait


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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
cremeanglaise Membre 64 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

Je suis anglaise, ainsi je peux peut-etre aider toi? Btw, its 'career' not 'carrer' but that was probably a typo! Is it the topic and thinking of ideas that you are having a problem with or the actual language side of it? To be honest, the title sounds tres barbant !

Perhaps you should change your topic if you are allowed to to something you are more interested in so that you are able to write more than 30 lines about it!

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Hi !

I try to answer you in english. (Sorry for my vocabular or my sentences cremeanglaise, lucky you because you can't ear me ).

This subject is very interesting. For me it's no.

Before beginning a job, you hope it's perfect, wonderfull but day by day you understand that it never be perfect, there is always inconvenients.

Idealism is like you hope your job, and sometimes the reality is so far away yours dreams. You can hope in betters days because this job is your job and it can be progress to idealism or better than the beginning.

For me you can't combine idealism and career but you can enjoy your job and accept it with his limits.

Bye :snif:

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Membre, Posté(e)
mathilde191 Membre 123 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

yes, "carrer" is a typo Sorry

It's with what I put into my writing that I have problems, not with the language, but unfortunately I can't change the subject, although I am not inspired.

And I wanted to say to Sothis that I don't understand what you told. Sorry (one more time :snif: )

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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
cremeanglaise Membre 64 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚

Je croire que j'ai compris quoi Sothis a dit et je comprend ensuite mellieur quoi mathilde veut dire! (Desolee pour mon francais affreux et svp corrigez mes erreurs!)

Je pense que peut-etre mathildre veut dire que le concept d'idealisme?

J'ai ici une addresse d'une website au sujet d'idealisme

A mon avis, l'idealisme est une bonne idee et quelque chose que nous pouvons aspire a faire? (aspire to do). Cependant, en practice (in pratice) il presente ...

I shall write it in English, because my french is soo poor!

In my opinion, the concept of idealism is a great idea and something that we should all aspire to make true. However, in practice and in reality it is often rarely achievable, as after all it represents the 'ideal' world, yet we live in the 'real' world. For example, if I start a new job as a secretary and one of my tasks as part of my profession is to answer queries of clients of my company, but their queries can only be answered by my manager, then however hard I try and however much effort I put into this task, it ultimately falls on my manager to produce the desired outcome and therefore I depend and rely upon others. If my manager is unable to resolve the query or if they take too long to sort it out, I will feel responsible for the poor result of the task on behalf of the client and I will feel that I have failed, even if I have worked to the best of my ability. I believe that holding ideal notions can both help and hinder us. It can help us because it gives us something better to aspire to, and thus it is more likely we shall work harder and get closer to 'perfection'. However, it can also hinder us, as we become unrealistic and if we are unable to achieve perfection we can become stressed and do a bad job. Or, we can become disengaged with reality to a point where we make other mistakes within our profession. In reflection, aiming for 'idealism' can have the reverse effect on us.

Sorry its a bit wish-washy and vague, but thats all I could really come up with. Some good words to use would be 'hinder' and 'help' which shows disadvantages and advantages, also 'ideal', 'perfection' and 'reality/realism', 'concept' and 'represents'.

Good Luck!

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Membre, Posté(e)
mathilde191 Membre 123 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

As i understood the topic (when i was in class), we must understand, by "idealism" which fascinates us.

For me, the question should be : Is it possible to combine professional career and passion?

Because that you propose to me it more difficult.

That it asks us to do i class, it's very easy.

But i found some ideas in the website

Thank you

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Membre, Posté(e)
mathilde191 Membre 123 messages
Baby Forumeur‚

And what means "wish-washy" ?

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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
cremeanglaise Membre 64 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚
And what means "wish-washy" ?

It means like vague- not very clear or concise, do you understand? The nearest french phrase I can find is 'fadasse' :snif:

Its 'wishy-washy' i think, I spelled it wrong the first time :snif:

Ooh, the trustee dictionary online tells me the nearest words are:

indécis, fade, fadasse, délavé, chétif

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Membre, Posté(e)
mathilde191 Membre 123 messages
Baby Forumeur‚


And one more expression that i could use in order to do : yes, i'm so good in english .. =)

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  • 4 semaines après...
Membre, Posté(e)
davy-94 Membre 1 message
Baby Forumeur‚

J'ai le même sujet au secourrrrrrrrr ...

J'ai quelques idées maintenant 300 mots :smile2:

Si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serait vraiment simpa

Merci d'avance

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  • 3 semaines après...
Invités, Posté(e)
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As i understood the topic (when i was in class), we must understand, by "idealism" which fascinates us.

For me, the question should be : Is it possible to combine professional career and passion?

I think you can combine professional career and passion. If this job is your choice. If you like it, you'll be passioned by it.

But for me idealism is different than passion. Because the idealism is how you considere, imagine your job, but you can be desappointed by reality.

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