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French Bots


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Membre, Posté(e)
WEAPON Membre 6 171 messages
Baby Forumeur‚
whoa. is that possible? o.O and, is there such a thing as a robot who speaks french? I'm sure there is...
waouh L'arme. .Comment est-ce possible ? o.O et, y a-t-il une chose telle qu'un robot qui parle français ? Ij'en suis sûre c'est ici¿
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Membre, Spécialiste EDF, SFR et ADSL, 39ans Posté(e)
angelchriss Membre 3 355 messages
39ans‚ Spécialiste EDF, SFR et ADSL,
Awesome. Thank you everybody

You're welcome :snif:

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Membre, Posté(e)
WEAPON Membre 6 171 messages
Baby Forumeur‚
trop de la balle ton truc koubo!!

hi allison

you can speak with weapon, he is the master bot!


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Membre, Posté(e)
WEAPON Membre 6 171 messages
Baby Forumeur‚
Awesome. Thank you everybody
Impressionnant. Merci tout le monde
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Membre, Posté(e)
elloico Membre 6 messages
Baby Forumeur‚
Hello, I was wondering if anyone speaks English. Or would be able to understand my extremely bad French. And if they could help me with my question about Robots...

Well, I'm not a robot but I speak french :snif:

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Membre, Tigresse Therese, 32ans Posté(e)
Mua Membre 9 648 messages
32ans‚ Tigresse Therese,

We're on a French Forum, so you have to speak French :snif:

If you are interested on Robots, I think there are enough about that in English :snif:

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VIP, 41ans Posté(e)
Yiauthli VIP 4 197 messages
Baby Forumeur‚ 41ans‚

Well, I think she found the bot she was looking for. In any case, we had one in our chatroom and I guess it's still possible to use it. You may ask to our administrators.

But, you know, speaking french with frenches can also be useful, so I invite you to join our community and try to make you understand. By seeing an american flag on your profile, people are more likely to help you improving your language skills.

Good luck !

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