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Membre, 35ans Posté(e)
Baby Forumeur‚ 35ans‚
Good day to all french peoples here. I hope, I can write message in English here, I can't read rules becouse I'm don't understand french language. I just want to speak with other countries, and improve my english, and also I started learn french, so, this is becouse I registered on this forum.

I hope, you will belive me, that I'm not spammer, just student from Russia. And I'm sorry, if I posted in not right branch.

Anyone want to speak by email or ICQ? Or, maybe here, in this forum? I will be very happy, if you don't delete this post and speak with me :snif:


Euh... c'est pas de la mauvaise volonté, mais j'comprends pas :snif:

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Membre, Posté(e)
Lii Membre 18 messages
Baby Forumeur‚
Good day to all french peoples here. I hope, I can write message in English here, I can't read rules becouse I'm don't understand french language. I just want to speak with other countries, and improve my english, and also I started learn french, so, this is becouse I registered on this forum.

I hope, you will belive me, that I'm not spammer, just student from Russia. And I'm sorry, if I posted in not right branch.

Anyone want to speak by email or ICQ? Or, maybe here, in this forum? I will be very happy, if you don't delete this post and speak with me :snif:


Euh... c'est pas de la mauvaise volonté, mais j'comprends pas :snif:

C'est quoi que tu comprends pas ? ^^

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